Monday, April 16, 2012

Progress Reports

I had promised to send out progress reports last week but due to unforeseen circumstances, I could not. Today however, I will be sending out progress reports.

Sorry for the delay.

What is Going On: Week of 4/16 - 4/19

This week in science class, we are going to be working on a research project involving the greatest scientific discovery or technological innovation that has benefited humanity. Students will be first researching a topic and writing down the basic information. Once they are done with that, students will put the information in a powerpoint and present the information in a presentation for the class.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Delay in Progress Reports

Good morning. I regret to inform you all that I will not be able to send out progress reports today. I'm still in the process of completing grading the assignments. Rest assured, I will have progress reports ready to send home by Monday. Since we have had NMSBA for the past two weeks, there are only a few assignments on the progress report.

If you would like your child's report sent to you via email, please contact me at any of the email addresses below and I will send it to you over the weekend. Have a nice weekend.

Monday, April 2, 2012

What's Going On: Week of 4/2 - 4/6

Hello Parents,

I'm sorry I haven't been able to update my blog in a while....its been a hectic time. This week will see the end of NMSBA testing. Students have been working on several assignments and I will be sending out progress reports on Friday. If your child is missing any assignments or needs to make-up any assignments, please let me know. They can make up most assignments and pull up their grades. You can contact me through this blog, at or at

This week, starting on Wednesday, students will be working on research on existential threats to the Earth. An existential threat is a threat to humanity or the Earth that could cause the destruction of a species or our Earth. Students will then be writing a persuasive essay on this topic and participate in a debate against their peers, convincing us their threat is the most dire threat to our world. I really am looking forward to their debates and essays.

Have a good week.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Wha's Going On: Week of 3/5 - 3/8

This week, we'll be finishing up the life cycle of stars by looking up high mass life cycles and looking at the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. Then moving on to refocus on measurement and conversion again, just before Spring Break.

The end of the third quarter is March 9th. The last day for students this week is March 8th, with March 9th being a teacher in-service day. The last day for students to turn in work, missing or late is March 9th. Please check your child's progress report and make sure they come see me if they have any missing work. I'll be available before school and during lunch. It is the responsibility of the student to make up work.

Life Cycle of Stars

For those interested in getting general understanding of stars life cycles, these pictures should help. We also used them last week and tomorrow in class.

Bill Nye: How To Talk To An Alien

I found this interesting video done by Bill Nye. It shows how we could talk to an alien who understands English.