Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Progress Reports

Because of the snow day yesterday in Gallup, progress reports will be sent home today. Parents who provided me with email addresses, I sent you all a copy of your child's progress report. If you would like to receive an electronic version of your child's progress report, please send me an email at: or

Thank you.

Monday, February 27, 2012

What's Going On: Week of 2/27 - 3/2

This week, we'll be beginning by reviewing over Drake's Equation and the characteristics of habitable planets. Then go on into our last section in the space science unit, the life cycle of stars.

I will be sending out progress reports tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Drake's Equation

What's Going On: Week of 2/22 - 2/24

We'll be learning about Drake's Equation this week. Since most students will be reading either The Martian Chronicles or Ender's Game, it's a good opportunity to actually see what scientists have to say about alien civilizations. We'll discuss what factors would have to exist on a planet for life to occur. And then students will use Drake's Equation to actually calculate how many civilizations could exist in the universe.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

What's Going On: 2/13 - 2/17

This week, the 8th & 6th graders will be reviewing our classifications of terrestrial and Jovian planets then moving on to learning about Drake's equation and the search for extraterrestrial life, which includes learning about the Kepler probe mission. The reason we're covering this topic is because, in collaboration, with the language arts department, students will be reading The Martian Chronicles and Ender's Game.

As a reminder, I sent out progress reports last Friday. Please make sure you get it, look over the report and sign it. Make sure your child brings it back Monday. It is worth 50 points as homework.

-Thank you,

Friday, February 10, 2012

Progress Reports and What's Coming Up Next Week.

Good morning parents.

I'm sending out progress reports today for both 8th graders and 6th graders.

Next week, the 8th & 6th graders will be reviewing our classifications of terrestrial and Jovian planets then moving on to  learning about Drake's equation and the search for extraterrestrial life, which includes learning about the Kepler probe mission.  The reason we're covering this topic is because, in collaboration, with the language arts department, students will be reading The Martian Chronicles and Ender's Game.